First Q&A - SUCCESS!
We had our first Q&A livestream event! Thank you to all who submitted the questions AND all who joined us in the chat!
We seriously did have a lot of fun! So much so that we are thinking maybe we can turn this into a regular thing?! (What do you think?!)
We didn’t really know what to expect for our first Q&A, and we were thinking it may end pretty quickly. When we finished the livestream, it was 1 hour and 45minutes! WOW, that’s exciting!
In this Q&A we covered:
The hardest/most frustrating pieces we ever had to learn individually and together
Do our families support our learning in music
Other music types that we enjoy
Rank our favorite piano brands
Our favorite anime OST
Our opinions on MusicalBasic’s video about piano’s darkest secret
How would we go about music education if we had children
How do our parents feel about our piano career
Our favorite techniques to arrange or to play
Our brainstorming process behind making a video
How do we view ourselves on YouTube?
Have we met any rival duos?
Knowledge on pedalling (How do we decide about pedalling)
Tips on playing very fast and pianissimo and leggiero
Plans to record some solo piano
Some things one of us like to do but the other doesn’t
Masterclass video submissions
What gives us motivation to play piano
Demographic of our audience or fans
Consideration of collaborating with anyone in the anime piano community
Check it out!