About us

Share - Educate - Entertain

Who are we?

We are The Meeks Duo, a married couple and piano duo. We are performers as well as educators who enjoy sharing fun and knowledge about music.

Why do we do this?

We aim to educate and entertain our audience through our music, thus we launched a shop of music-related merchandise that music-lovers can wear to show off not only the creative designs, but also the educational value, and/or the story behind the designs that music-lovers can relate to!

How are our products different?

Our designs are created by us - the musicians! From our first-hand experience, we designed products based on musical facts and humor that anyone can proudly wear and share.

What do the designs mean?

This is where our goal in sharing and educating about music lies! We put a lot of effort into our designs to create images with messages, stories and meanings while looking stylish. If you would like to learn more about the meanings behind the designs, you can read about them on our blog! When you wear our merchandise, you can proudly and confidently explain to those who are curious!

Why is our merchandise made only on demand?

We stand behind the idea of sustainable fashion and we are against textile waste from overproduction. We only produce what you order; each product that you see in our shop is made on demand. Retail stores often overproduce and overstock, and majority of the textiles produced end up in landfills and become an environmental issue. As we are caring for our environment, we want to make sure our customers can enjoy our products with confidence that no extra unnecessary material is wasted.

What’s behind our pricing?

Our pricing includes your support of the environment, high quality material, handling, shipping, customer service as well as a little profit for our effort to create original, meaningful and exclusive designs that you can proudly wear and share! As we mentioned earlier, we are proud that our products are strictly made on demand so we avoid the harm that overproduction does to the environment. Because of this, and the fact that we want high quality products for our customers, the cost of each product is higher.

Ideas you’d like to share?

We always welcome new ideas! If you’d like to share any ideas with us or any feedback, please feel free to write to us at themeeksduo@gmail.com