Interview with pianist/composer Dr. Tal Zilber

This week we are excited to introduce to you an amazing Israeli pianist who wears many hats - Dr. Tal Zilber!

Tal was Scott’s classmate from when he was at Indiana University. He is a great pianist and a brilliant improviser! This was the first time I (Clare) met Tal…though only virtually. He is a very modest and kind-hearted person!
You can find more about Tal’s information on his website.

It was really interesting to learn about his interests in computer science and the fact that he teamed up with two other partners to develop a keyboard harmony software that can help students learn and teachers check their progress! You can check out the software website if you’re interested to know more!

We had such a fun time exploring his background and thoughts on music. Some of the topics that we covered in this interview include:

  • Composing steps and ideas (Here’s our performance of Tal’s famous Brahms in Salsa!)

  • piano lesson background

  • Supportive lawyer family background

  • Why become a musician?

  • Thoughts on quitting music at some point

  • Interests in computer science

  • Putting a drink on the piano

  • Thoughts on online teaching

  • How he started improvising

  • Perfectionism from Classical training

  • Improvising to cover a memory slip

  • Career paths

  • YouTube channel

  • Keyboard harmony software development

  • Importance of learning improvisation

  • English as a second language

Check it out!


Our live performance of Tal’s fun and humorous Brahms in Salsa!


Filming of Elegy of the Dynast


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